Milestones Crossword ROUND 2

  1. 4. This invention massively accelerated Georgia's economy, but increased desire for slavery
  2. 7. The South was split into military _________________ during Congressional Reconstruction
  3. 8. Depriving African-Americans the right to vote is known as this
  4. 12. The acres a Revolutionary War veteran could earn under Headright system
  5. 13. This being in Dahloenga caused many Georgians to demand the Cherokee Indians be removed
  6. 14. Laws during Reconstruction era that were meant to continue discrimination of African Americans
  7. 17. This officially abolished all slavery in the United States
  8. 18. This new government agency helped poor white southerners and newly free former slaves
  9. 19. In order to be re-enter the Union under the presidential plan, southern states had to do THIS to the 13th Amendment
  10. 21. Ten percent of THIS had to swear allegiance in order to be readmitted into the Union under the Presidential reconstruction plan
  11. 22. Similar to tenant farming, where poor farmers could rent land from landowners in exchange for a portion of their crops
  1. 1. Land grant system where white male head-of-households received 200 acres
  2. 2. This officially made all African-Americans citizens and protected their rights
  3. 3. During the later years of Reconstruction, this had to be sent into the South to help get rid of the KKK
  4. 5. Georgia's 5 capitals moved this way over time
  5. 6. First state sponsored university in United States
  6. 9. For the first time, THESE existed during Reconstruction as the military oversaw elections
  7. 10. Killed by his own people for selling away Creek land to the government
  8. 11. WEB helped create this
  9. 15. Name of massive land fraud where companies bribed General Assembly members to sell millions of acres of land
  10. 16. Many of these in Georgia's General Assembly were members of the KKK
  11. 20. This man attempted to use the legal system to keep his people's land; President Andrew Jackson took it anyway