Mini-Unit 3 Review (Capitalism)

  1. 2. The movement of a Demand curve can be an increase or a decrease.
  2. 4. This is a tax on a foreign import.
  3. 7. the book shared the beliefs of a free market economy.
  4. 8. In an economy, this is the amount of a good or service provided by producers.
  5. 9. the amount of a product society wants to have.
  6. 10. Term for when supply of a good meets the demand of a good.
  7. 13. a law in economics that states when a price of a good increases so does the production. (Positive correlation)
  8. 16. This is the study of economics concerned with the single factors and decisions of individuals.
  9. 17. This is the concept that profit-driven individuals will provide for society’s needs.
  10. 18. a requirement that a society has to have to survive.
  11. 19. The drive that motivates one to do something.
  1. 1. This is an economic theory and system predicated upon a country's trade and industry being controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  2. 2. This is a circumstance when the supply of a good or service falls short of the amount demanded by consumers.
  3. 3. This is the practice of eliminating tariffs in order to maximize regional and interregional commercial trade.
  4. 5. French term meaning 'hands off', referring to the lack of government interference in the economy.
  5. 6. This principle of free market economics ensures that a variety of suppliers will result in an equilibrium price and higher production quality.
  6. 11. This is a circumstance when the supply of a good or service exceeds the amount demanded by consumers.
  7. 12. Having a short supply.
  8. 14. a law in economics that states when a price of a good increases the consumption decreases. (Negative correlation)
  9. 15. the country where Adam Smith was from.