Miranda's French Crossword

  1. 2. The word for this colour is the same in French and English, and in English it is also a fruit.
  2. 5. This is the French word for yellow.
  3. 6. In our class, we have whiteboard markers in black, red, blue, and this colour.
  4. 11. If you change the V in this word to a P, you get the same word in English.
  5. 12. This is the second-last month of the year.
  6. 13. This is the colour of Socials on our daily schedule.
  7. 14. This is the month when school starts.
  8. 16. This month comes two months before April.
  9. 17. This is the colour of a blank Google Doc.
  10. 20. At the end of this month, you start dreading the start of the school year.
  1. 1. This is the first month of the year.
  2. 2. Halloween is on the last day of this month.
  3. 3. The month before this one starts with the letter J, and the month after it starts with an A.
  4. 4. Christmas happens at the end of this month.
  5. 7. The front of Nicole’s hair is this colour.
  6. 8. Summer vacation starts during this month.
  7. 9. The French name of this month is a planet in English.
  8. 10. The French name of this colour is a flower in English.
  9. 15. Mauve is another French word meaning this colour.
  10. 18. This the French word for black.
  11. 19. This is the month before June.