Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis

  1. 3. makes hormones
  2. 4. when all body systems are stable
  3. 7. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. 10. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. 12. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. 14. transport blood to the heart
  7. 15. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. 16. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. 17. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. 18. made of actin and myosin
  11. 19. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. 1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. 2. produces offspring
  3. 5. mechanically breaks down food
  4. 6. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. 8. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. 9. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. 10. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. 11. network made of glands and organs
  9. 13. the break down of food in stomach