Miscellaneous (Body Systems and Homeostasis) Biology Bingo

  1. 3. the (insert answer here)system controls your moments and thoughts/responses
  2. 7. this system allows for organisms to reproduce
  3. 9. this system is responsible for breathing
  4. 11. stable chemical and physical conditions inside the body
  5. 12. blood vessels
  6. 13. this system helps the body release bad things from it,and protects the body from harm
  7. 14. (insert answer here) digestion breaks food down using chemicals
  8. 16. takes oxygen and deoxygenated to the heart
  9. 18. produces hormones, sweat, tears, saliva, etc.
  10. 19. this system is what allows people to process and break down food
  11. 20. muscle (insert answer here) has the ability to contract to allow movement in organisms
  1. 1. body (insert answer here) is the bodies ability to keep a constant/steady environment
  2. 2. muscle (insert answer here)contain a single muscle cell that helps physical movements
  3. 4. this system is composed of the bodies bones
  4. 5. this system circulates blood throughout the body
  5. 6. bodies chemical messengers that effect a persons mood, growth, etc.
  6. 8. (insert answer here) digestion manually breaks down food in the body
  7. 10. carries oxygen from your heart and into your bodies tissues
  8. 15. this system allows your body to move
  9. 17. this system is made of glands that is responsible for making hormones