Miss Sauter's ELA Expectations

  1. 2. The ___ step of attending Titan Focus is to sign up
  2. 5. Sign out, do your ___, and get back to work!
  3. 8. One of the main goals is that you grow academically, socially and ___
  4. 9. Miss Sauter likes ___ with her dog
  5. 12. We have advisory on Fridays after ___ block
  6. 14. You'll be ___ to have an IR book in all classes
  7. 15. Stay positive, see opportunities for ___
  8. 16. You'll need a spiral or ___ notebook
  9. 18. ELA is a ___ subject
  10. 19. Be ___ and treat others the way you want to be treated
  1. 1. Independent reading increases reading ___
  2. 2. Need a book recommendation? Check out the book ___
  3. 3. You have to do the ___ to be the noun
  4. 4. Choose your seats freely in my class until you give me a ___ to move you
  5. 6. Go ____
  6. 7. Take care of your space and
  7. 10. Stay on task, minimize distractions and work with ___
  8. 11. If you forget your chromebook, you'll attend Titan Focus the ___ day
  9. 13. It is important that you take responsibility for ___ teachers
  10. 17. Miss Sauter enjoys sitting on her ___ reading