Miss Tamika's Crazy Crossword: Superheroes #2
- 2. Iceshot's enemy.
- 5. When Jason White is a superhero,the colour of his eyes.
- 7. Knock's worst enemy is...
- 8. Batpoison's hair colour.
- 9. Leech's hairstyle.
- 10. Harlor's civilian name.
- 14. Knock has a powerful...
- 17. Hamburger Man's enemy is...
- 21. A sport that Harlor practices.
- 22. The colour of Lady Nature's flower in her hair.
- 23. Hamburger Man's armor is made of ...
- 24. Jason White's superhero name.
- 26. Leech fights against the....
- 27. Iron Hulk's civilian name.
- 28. Froot Loops face turns into a ....
- 29. Hamburger Man's civilian name is...
- 31. Captain Vegetable's helmet is made of an...
- 32. Batpoison's enemy.
- 34. When Jason White is a superhero, he throws...
- 35. Krash wears...
- 36. Harlor's special magic hammer colour is...
- 1. Krash's enemy is...
- 3. Froot Loops can .....the damage done to his skin.
- 4. Lady Nature petals are used as a ....
- 6. Captain Vegetable's leg armor is made of...
- 11. Knock's team name is ...
- 12. Fireman can burn down....
- 13. Batpoison's superpower.
- 15. Froot Loop's name for his missions is....
- 16. Leech's enemy is a ....
- 18. Lady Nature can breath a ....
- 19. Leech's superpower.
- 20. Iceshot's strongest attack.
- 25. Captain Vegetable throws...
- 30. Froot Loops' outfit has a ...
- 33. Kris' evil name is ....