Missing Fossils

  1. 2. sudden movement
  2. 4. exact
  3. 7. someone who studies chemistry
  4. 9. completely surrounded
  5. 12. the amount of matter in an object
  6. 13. to find something new
  7. 15. types of animals
  8. 17. young person
  9. 19. become dull
  10. 20. a very hot oven
  1. 1. a group of atoms bonded together
  2. 3. guess
  3. 5. slide
  4. 6. a slight mark
  5. 8. nervous
  6. 10. to decay
  7. 11. easy to carry
  8. 14. hot
  9. 16. to eat fast
  10. 18. the science of matter