- 4. Rolled Back the Stone
- 6. First to Enter the Empty Tomb
- 7. Betrayer
- 13. Alive From the Dead
- 14. Day Jesus Arose
- 17. Doubted
- 18. Guarded the Tomb
- 20. Number of Days Buried
- 21. Empty
- 25. Crown Made Of
- 26. By Faith
- 1. Good News
- 2. Over All the Land for 3 Hours
- 3. Conquered
- 5. Sign of Betrayal
- 7. Outran Peter to the Tomb
- 8. Mother Of Jesus
- 9. Earthly Name
- 10. Written Over Him on the Cross
- 11. On Which Jesus Died
- 12. Thirty Pieces Of
- 15. Shed For Us
- 16. The Anointed One
- 19. Covered the Tomb
- 22. Linen Cloth
- 23. Angel Told Mary
- 24. Jesus Is