MLIDY-Simon Clark

  1. 3. something that indicates limits
  2. 4. Food source
  3. 6. Passage or entry
  4. 8. Something you plug something into
  5. 9. inpressment
  6. 11. gas- A colored gas
  7. 13. To disturb the composure of
  8. 17. Not knowing
  9. 18. Threatening
  10. 22. Student in school given a special duty or responsibity
  11. 23. Complete separation
  1. 1. To guard something is protective
  2. 2. Without sight
  3. 4. Put back together
  4. 5. Without fear
  5. 7. Extremely painful
  6. 10. Fur coat
  7. 12. Dispute or bargain
  8. 14. To supply (land) with water by means of channels streams or plants
  9. 15. The knee of a persons body
  10. 16. Breaking something is destruction
  11. 18. Without fear
  12. 19. The act of saving
  13. 20. Goods stored on a boat,airplane,ect
  14. 21. Living alone