Mobile and Computer devices

  1. 2. A server that stores and manages files in the network is called ___________
  2. 3. mobile device that allows users to take photos and store the photographed images digitally
  3. 4. _____________ is a portable personal computer, designed so that a user easily can carry it from place to place
  4. 7. This device generally has a stylus as an input device
  5. 9. _____________ servers are created for providing one main service
  6. 10. _____ is stationery personal computer
  7. 13. ______connects hosts in a network
  1. 1. ____________is an example of dispensing item after payment is received
  2. 5. ___________ is a powerful server that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously
  3. 6. __________stores and delivers requested webpages to a computer via browser
  4. 8. lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base is called a ______
  5. 11. ___________ is a freestanding terminal with a touch screen for self-service and user interaction
  6. 12. Fitbit is an example of ___________