Mobile OS & Computer Crimes

  1. 2. Not real, but dishonestly pretending to be something or someone.
  2. 5. A touch sensing surfaces (trackpad or touchscreen) ability to recognize the presence of two or more points of contact with the surface.
  3. 6. To destroy the continuity of smth, usually temporarily.
  4. 7. A set of basic building units for graphical user interfaces.
  5. 8. A file that contains a program; carry out a series of instructions rather than store data.
  6. 10. A person who programs computers or designs the system to match the requirements of a systems analyst.
  7. 11. an undocumented way to get access to a computer system or the data it contains.
  8. 12. an area of the taskbar used for icons and alerts.
  9. 16. A very small picture on a computer screen which shows you what a larger picture looks like, or what a page of a document will look like when you print it.
  10. 17. An act of separate the charges for related products or services usually offered as a package.
  11. 18. To repeat, duplicate, or reproduce.
  12. 19. To modify according to individual or personal specifications or preference.
  13. 21. Slow in movement, progression, or response.
  1. 1. An act of correcting misharps and errors within a software system.
  2. 3. A human-computer interaction style which involves continuous representation of objects of interest, and rapid, reversible, incremental actions and feedback.
  3. 4. To make an imitation of smth. without authorization and especially with intent to deceive or defraud.
  4. 5. To go about under false pretenses or a false character; assume the character of smb.
  5. 9. Increasing gradually and having a greater effect as more is added over a period of time.
  6. 13. The activity of making files freely available for other users on a computer network while also downloading files made available by others.
  7. 14. An act of returning like for like, specifically, the returning of evil for evil.
  8. 15. An act of reproducing recorded sound.
  9. 20. Software that a user may acquire and try free of charge, usually distributed with a request for voluntary payment.