Mobile Phone

  1. 3. How Much Did the First Mobile Phone cost?
  2. 6. The first smartphone could receive text messages, faxes, and?
  3. 7. What Batteries did phones use to run on?
  4. 8. 900 What was the first Nokia phone called?
  5. 9. The sharp J-SH04 was known for being the first phone with a what?
  6. 10. What was the First Mobile Phone Called?
  7. 11. Display The Siemens s10 had the first what?
  8. 13. Have iPhones gotten heavier or lighter since when they were first made?
  1. 1. How Much did the First Mobile Phone weigh?
  2. 2. When was the first Nokia made?
  3. 3. The first smartphone cost how much?
  4. 4. Who made the first Mobile Phone?
  5. 5. What phone model was followed by the success of the dynaTAC?
  6. 12. What was the first Samsung phone called?
  7. 14. As of 2022 how many of the top 10 selling phones were iPhones?