Mobile Phones

  1. 3. strange, not normal
  2. 5. dozen
  3. 6. very boring, dull
  4. 8. to stop doing something that you done often
  5. 10. waves of energy
  6. 13. keep something in its original way
  7. 14. feeling to act a certain way or do a certain thing
  8. 15. no doubt, 100%
  9. 16. fail to do, do not care about
  1. 1. talking to, interacting with people
  2. 2. feel or think of something as important or useful
  3. 4. refuse, not accept
  4. 7. a person who fears, dislikes or avoids new techonology
  5. 9. to access
  6. 11. usually, in most cases
  7. 12. doing the same thing over and over again