Mobile Phones

  1. 3. can be used to connect a phone to a headset or car speakers
  2. 5. used to text people or surf the web on phones
  3. 6. something that is needed on the phone
  4. 7. used when you are at home or mcdonalds on your phone
  5. 8. the keypad which is used most on smartphones
  6. 11. full name for EDGE
  1. 1. full name for GSM
  2. 2. something that can be done on your phone
  3. 4. full name for GPRS
  4. 8. data measured in qualities
  5. 9. used so one person can listen to music on phones
  6. 10. data measured in numbers
  7. 12. used to take pictures on phones
  8. 13. the setting that helps people with lost of sight or hearing on phones
  9. 14. used so a lot of people can listen to music at once on phones