Mobile phones

  1. 2. The keyboard on most touchscreen mobiles
  2. 4. Something that makes the function work
  3. 7. measuring the quantity rather than the quality
  4. 9. If the function is to take pictures what is the feature
  5. 10. Global system for mobile
  6. 12. The feature for blind people to use their mobile phone
  7. 13. Something that is on the phone
  8. 14. what deaf people use to know their phone is ringing
  1. 1. when your're finished with your phone
  2. 3. General packet radio service
  3. 5. what some mobiles have instead of a keypad
  4. 6. to surf the web
  5. 7. measuring the quality rather than the quantity
  6. 8. Enhanced data rates for GSM evolution
  7. 11. Phones are not allowed because it interferes with medical equipment