Mobile Radiography

  1. 3. ______,anode heel effect, SID and technique chart are the four most technical considerations for mobiles radiography.
  2. 6. What should always be available for measurements in mobile radiography?
  3. 8. ________ inches is the minimum source to skin distance.
  4. 9. Where is the least exposure during a mobile exam? (Two words)
  1. 1. The base of the mobile unit is positioned at the middle of the bed if the patient is in what position?
  2. 2. Mobile radiography was first used by who?
  3. 4. The base of the mobile unit is positioned at the head of the bed if the patient is in what position?
  4. 5. What is the single most effective radiation protection in mobile radiography?
  5. 6. What is the common term for a mobile fluoroscopy unit?
  6. 7. The three criteria for optimal grid usage are being _____, centered to CR and at recommended focal distance.