Mobile Security

  1. 2. escalating privileges on a device, Bypasses operating system-imposed restrictions, Allows full control of the system
  2. 4. the use of GPS to track a device
  3. 5. Two devices linked together, A sender and a receiver, Unicast connection
  4. 7. (USB) Physical connectivity to your mobile device,
  5. 9. the ability to use device with another mobile carrier
  6. 10. More than two devices linked together, Multiple receivers, Single link shared with multiple devices
  7. 11. Radio Frequency Identifier; Examples: Hospital inventory tracking, Some passports, Building access cards, Hotel Keycards
  8. 15. (NFC) two-way wireless communication, payment systems, short range with encryption support
  9. 16. Mobile devices, “cellular” phones, Service area divided into “cells” Towers cover each cell, 3 towers serve each call, can triangulate phone’s location
  10. 17. Ability to remotely remove data from mobile device
  11. 18. remote capture, jam known frequencies, replay/replay attack, loss of device control
  12. 20. Device can capture network data, Lost phone can carry sensitive data, Encrypt your data!, Man-in-the-middle, Mobile device could sniff network traffic, Denial of Service, Frequency interference with company wifi, “Hotspot” could be Rouge Access Point, Exfiltrate internal data via cellular,
  13. 21. separating device functions, One container holds all the work-related data, One container holds all the personal data, Can have other containers
  1. 1. (GPS) sattelibe-based radio navigation, geolocation
  2. 3. Controlling content, What content is available to applications
  3. 6. Updating the firmware to stay up to date, Secures device, Fixing problems as reported or discovered
  4. 8. (MDM)Policy can include: Encrypt data on each device, Auto-lock a device after certain amount of inactivity, Force use of strong passwords, Wipe device automatically if too many fail log-in attempts, Remotely lock device if lost/stolen, Remotely wipe device if lost/stolen
  5. 12. Management Controlling apps hard because always being added and changing,company can whitelist certain apps
  6. 13. ability to determine device’s location, Can only use a device inside (or outside) boundary, Can only allow certain actions inside (or outside) boundary
  7. 14. installing apps not authorized by official app store
  8. 19. Short-wave UHF radio waves, 2.402 GHz to 2.48GHz, Range is very limited, One to one connection