Mock Trial Vocabulary

  1. 4. this type of examination is the formal interrogation of a witness called by the other party in a court of law to challenge or extend testimony already given.
  2. 6. A person called upon to give testimony
  3. 9. An out of court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted.
  4. 10. A formal charge stating there is enough evidence for a trial
  5. 12. The person who files the complaint, or the person who is suing another person.
  1. 1. People who serve on a jury. Jurors decide whether the defendant is innocent or guilty.
  2. 2. An attorney representing a defendant in a lawsuit or criminal prosecution.
  3. 3. a written statement by the plaintiff about the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant
  4. 4. a government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes
  5. 5. this type of examination is the initial questioning of a witness, by the party that called them to the stand
  6. 7. a branch of law that deals with behavior that is an offense against the public, society, or the state—even if the immediate victim is an individual
  7. 8. a promise to tell the truth
  8. 11. A branch of law that regulates the non-criminal rights, duties of persons (natural persons and legal persons) and equal legal relations between private individuals