  1. 3. I __________ to take a vacation, I’m very stressed out. It's the best idea. (5 letters or symbols)
  2. 6. Otto __________ fix the garden because the plants are horrible. (5 letters or symbols)
  3. 7. People __________ pay to enter to the MUTEC. The entrance is free!!! (11 letters or symbols)
  4. 9. I __________ go to the theater this weekend. I’m not sure. (5 letters or symbols)
  5. 10. She __________ be 40! She looks younger!!! (5 letters or symbols)
  1. 1. I’m almost sure. Larry __________ be very happy because he and his wife have just had a baby boy. (4 letters or symbols)
  2. 2. I feel very sick. My friends say I __________ get a check-up. (6 letters or symbols)
  3. 4. My sister _________ hurry up with her wedding arrangements. It’s in two months. (8 letters or symbols)
  4. 5. Employees __________ drink alcohol in the company facilities. (7 letters or symbols)
  5. 8. We __________ clean the house, we are having a party this weekend. (6 letters or symbols)
  6. 9. Perhaps, we __________ be drinking wine in Paris our next vacation. (3 letters or symbols)