Model UN

  1. 1. a card that has the delegates country name for them to be able to participate in the debate.
  2. 5. A debate that the chairs moderate and is more formal.
  3. 7. The ones that are in charge of the committee and the debate.
  4. 8. a wooden hammer the dais has.
  5. 9. When the delegates do a motion to open a list for them to read their position paper.
  1. 1. the rules the delegates have to follow when they want to talk.
  2. 2. Communication between two or more persons, giving their opinions about a topic.
  3. 3. debate when the delegates walk around the room to get allies and to write the resolution paper.
  4. 4. 2-3 people that run the debate
  5. 6. the people who debate