Models of Atoms & The Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. 2. A negatively charged sub-atomic particle found orbiting the centre of the atom on shells.
  2. 4. The type of electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelength (but highest frequency).
  3. 7. The type of electromagnetic radiation with the longest wavelength.
  4. 9. A neutrally charged sub-atomic particle found in the centre of the atom.
  5. 10. All types of electromagnetic radiation can be found on the electromagnetic ___________________.
  6. 12. The type of electromagnetic radiation that can cause skin cancer and which is emitted by the Sun.
  7. 13. A positively charged sub-atomic particle found in the centre of the atom.
  8. 14. The centre of the atom, containing most of the mass of an atom.
  9. 16. A type of electromagnetic radiation used in hospitals to see inside the human body (Hint: Write in the form ___-______).
  1. 1. The modern model of the atom was proposed by the scientist called ____________.
  2. 3. After radiation is emitted from a source, it is ____________________ through the atmosphere to its receiver.
  3. 5. Once radiation reaches a receiver, it is __________________.
  4. 6. A model of electromagnetic raadiation which suggests that all radiation is emitted in the form of 'ripples of waves' (from an oscillating source to an absorber/receiver).
  5. 8. This happens when an atom absorbs a photon of energy with enough energy that electrons are lost from the atom.
  6. 11. A model of electromagnetic radiation which suggests that all radiation is emitted in 'packets' of energy that are transferred from a source to absorber/receiver.
  7. 15. The name given to the object giving out (emitting) radiation.