Modern Age Poetry Review

  1. 2. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is a dramatic __________________ where Prufrock addresses an unknown listener.
  2. 7. At the end of "Symbols, I'm sick...," the speaker wishes the seamstress and her boyfriend would be ________________.
  3. 11. The fog is compared to a ________.
  4. 12. Modern poems express feelings of __________, or a sense of being left out, an outcast.
  5. 14. Prufrock says that he is not Prince _________, probably because he is so insecure.
  6. 15. These events during the 1910s-1940s were a major influence on the authors of this age.
  7. 18. A word for lawlessness, as described by the speaker in "The Second Coming."
  8. 19. The body of the beast in "The Second Coming" is a lion to symbolize _____________.
  9. 20. The Second Coming could refer to the return of ______________, but in this poem, that is not necessarily true.
  10. 22. The main message of "Symbols, I'm sick..." is that many times, symbols don't really mean _____________.
  11. 23. The evening Prufrock describes is very ____________.
  12. 24. What time of day is it when the seamstress heads home in "Symbols, I'm sick..."
  13. 25. Prufrock imagines that he is sprawling on a ________ like he is a scientific specimen being examined.
  14. 27. Pessoa's name for the multiple personas he uses in his poems.
  15. 29. At the end of the poem "Symbols, I'm sick...," the speaker mentions a __________________ who pauses near a corner.
  16. 32. The speaker in "Symbols, I'm sick..." says that symbols tell him ______________.
  17. 33. At the end of the poem, Prufrock imagines being surrounded by a bunch of _________________.
  18. 35. The speaker of "Symbols, I'm Sick..." argues that sometimes _______________ is just pretty and doesn't mean anything.
  19. 36. At the beginning of "The Second Coming," a falconer is looking for his ________________ who cannot hear him calling.
  20. 38. Prufrock compares himself to this man, who Jesus awakened from the dead.
  21. 39. In "Symbols, I'm sick..." the speaker says the woman pauses near that corner because she used to live there with her _______________.
  22. 40. "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is a stream of ___________________ writing, which is designed to convey exactly what goes through Prufrock's mind.
  23. 42. In "The Second Coming," a ________________ is what is actually coming.
  24. 43. The area of town Prufrock is in is a _______ class area.
  1. 1. Because of the things Yeats references in his poem, it could have been set before WW2, or it could have been set _______.
  2. 3. The beast in "The Second Coming" has the body of a __________.
  3. 4. In the room, women come and go, talking about this artist.
  4. 5. The human part of the beast represents man's _____________.
  5. 6. Prufrock asks, "Do I _________?"
  6. 8. The tone of "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."
  7. 9. Prufrock asks himself multiple _______________ and mentions some that he won't state.
  8. 10. Instead of Hamlet, Prufrock says he is more like Polonius, an attendant who starts a scene but is basically a _________.
  9. 11. 2 words, Prufrock says he has measured out his life in __________ ___________.
  10. 13. The tone of "The Second Coming."
  11. 16. The _________ of the beast is human.
  12. 17. In "Symbols, I'm sick..." the speaker states that we don't notice the moon but instead its __________.
  13. 21. According to the speaker of "Symbols, I'm sick...," the ________ is also earth.
  14. 26. The setting of "The Second Coming" is a non-specific _____________, a barren place that might be the birthplace of a beast.
  15. 28. "Symbols, I'm sick..." begins with an image of the sun emerging from a cloud after ______________.
  16. 30. The Spiritus Mundi in "The Second Coming" refers to a collective _________________, or something we all know that connects us all.
  17. 31. 2 words, Prufrock is awoken from his dream by __________ ___________.
  18. 34. At the end of his narrative poem, Prufrock says we all __________.
  19. 37. The tone of "Symbols, I'm sick..."
  20. 41. a device where an object represents an idea or feeling.