Modern World History - Final Exam Review 4

  1. 2. Sometimes referred to as the "baseball" evangelist; said to have preached to over 100 million people in his ministry.
  2. 4. Powers composed of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Turks.
  3. 6. Successor to Lenin.
  4. 12. Christian author who gave audiences the classic stories of Frodo and hobbits.
  5. 14. Revolt in China to remove all vestiges of Western influence on the Chinese culture.
  6. 15. Dictator of Italy from the 1920s through World War 2.
  7. 17. Leader of Nationalist China.
  8. 18. Emperor of Japan during World War 2.
  9. 19. Spanish painter who used random geometric forms and perspectives in his works.
  10. 20. Perhaps the most famed illustrator of the 20th century.
  11. 23. Noted prime minister of Britain during much of World War II.
  12. 26. Study of human cultures and societies.
  13. 28. Was known for his work in behaviorism.
  1. 1. Those who held to the fundamentalss of Biblical truth.
  2. 3. Communist group that desired professional revolutionaries and the party structure to be narrow.
  3. 5. Study of the human mind.
  4. 7. Famous for his work with quantum physics.
  5. 8. City that hosted the post-Napoleon conference to decide how to rebuild Europe.
  6. 9. Face of progressive education.
  7. 10. Head of the militaristic government of Japan.
  8. 11. Gave us the theory of relativity.
  9. 13. Famously declared that "God is dead".
  10. 15. Leader of Communist China during World War 2.
  11. 16. Commander and defender of the Philippines during World War 2.
  12. 18. Leader of Germany and referred to as der Fuhrer.
  13. 21. Canal built in the United States in the early 19th century.
  14. 22. Founder of psychoanalysis.
  15. 24. Chrisitan apologist of the mid 20th century who gave us The Chronicles of Narnia.
  16. 25. Believe in traditional values and slow moderate change if change is needed.
  17. 27. The author of 1984 and ANIMAL FARM.