Modern World History Final Exam Review (Gaither)

  1. 4. one country effecting the outcome of a war they are not directly fighting in.
  2. 10. suffered the first atomic bomb blast.
  3. 11. lightning warfare used by the Germans.
  4. 12. Chinese student revolution supporting democracy.
  5. 14. first country to send a man to the moon.
  6. 16. two countries pushing towards the edge of war.
  7. 17. relaxing tension
  8. 22. Soviet leader during World War II.
  9. 23. American President during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  10. 25. Allied powers meet to determine Germany's future.
  11. 26. first country to send a man to space.
  12. 27. limiting the spread of communism.
  1. 1. led to an increase in U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
  2. 2. the bombing this naval base led to the U.S. involvement in World War II.
  3. 3. American President during most of World War II.
  4. 5. this type of crime led to the start of WOrld War I.
  5. 6. the segregation and discrimination of black South Africans.
  6. 7. Helped India gain its independence from Britain.
  7. 8. Partition of India separated people by this.
  8. 9. An alliance between the Soviet Union and it's satellite states.
  9. 13. officially ended World War 1.
  10. 15. a massive failure of China's second 5 year plan.
  11. 18. led the Normandy invasion on D-Day.
  12. 19. If one country falls to communism, surrounding countries will fall.
  13. 20. Soviet Union becoming more capitalist.
  14. 21. divided capitalism from communism in Germany.
  15. 24. primarily supports private ownership of property and resources.
  16. 28. First black president of South Africa.