Module 11 Russia and the Caucasus

  1. 2. a form of the Greek alphabet used in Russia, brought by Orthodox missionaries.
  2. 4. longest single rail line in the world that runs from Moscow to Vladivostok.
  3. 5. the capital of Georgia.
  4. 7. one of the most important rivers in western Russia.
  5. 15. factories that process metal ores, process copper and iron.
  6. 17. Vast area between the Urals and the Pacific ocean, known as a frozen tundra.
  7. 19. region of the Caucasus Mountains that face ethnic conflicts today.
  8. 20. a response to something.
  9. 22. harsh Soviet labor camps often located in Siberia.
  1. 1. styled after western European cities, served as Russia's capital and home of the Czars for 200 years.
  2. 3. mountain range of Southern Russia, the Caucasus region gets its name from this region.
  3. 6. the capital of Armenia.
  4. 8. moutain range that separates Asia and Europe.
  5. 9. characteristics.
  6. 10. a radical Russian Communist group, seized power in the Russian Revolution.
  7. 11. Russia's captial and most populated city.
  8. 12. Russian country houses, where they can garden and enjoy the fresh air.
  9. 13. Sea that borders the Caucasus Mountains to the west.
  10. 14. ancient city started by the Kievan Rus, now capital of Ukraine.
  11. 16. vast evergreen forest south of Siberia.
  12. 18. the capital Azerbaijan.
  13. 21. leader of Russia, Russian for "caesar".