Module 3

  1. 4. - rate at which work is done
  2. 5. - the product of a force exerted on an object multiplied by the object's displacement.
  3. 7. - the transfer of heat energy in the form of electromagnetic waves
  4. 9. energy-energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects
  5. 13. : An inclined plane wrapped helically around a wheel and axle
  6. 16. -A measure of how hot or cold an object is compared to a reference point.
  7. 20. - the process of heat transfer in fluids by the means of rising and falling currents of liquid or gas
  1. 1. - the transfer of heat energy from one solid to another through direct contact
  2. 2. : Any rigid bar that can be used to pry or lift.
  3. 3. Energy – stored energy
  4. 6. Machines: The six basic machines that all machines are composed of. Include: Pulley, Lever, Inclined Plane, Wedge, Wheel & Axle, and Screw
  5. 8. : Rope wound around a wheel system used for lifting objects.
  6. 10. Machines: Any machine that is made up of more than one simple machine.
  7. 11. of conservation of energy- energy cannot be created nor destroyed
  8. 12. - the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another because of a difference in temperature.
  9. 14. and axle : Simple machine composed of two round disks of different diameter, joined together so that work can be done.
  10. 15. heat – the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a material by one degree Celsius.
  11. 17. : Part of the lever around which the input arm and output arm rotate.
  12. 18. Energy – energy that is in motion
  13. 19. Energy – (heat) kinetic energy of particles