Module 3: Gram Positive Spore Forming and Non-Spore Forming Bacilli

  1. 2. Test for the detection of enterotoxin from toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae
  2. 3. Specie of Bacillus encountered in opportunistic infections such as post-traumatic eye infections
  3. 5. Specie of Bacillus that shows a “Medusa Head Appearance”
  4. 7. Corynebacterium specie common in inguinal, axillary, and rectal sites
  5. 9. Microscopic appearance of Lactobacillus
  6. 11. Hemolysis result of C. pseudotuberculosis in Reverse CAMP test
  7. 13. Best specimen for culture of E. rhusiopathiae
  8. 14. Test to determine susceptibility or immunity to diphtheria
  9. 15. Normal human flora and widely distributed in foods
  10. 18. Gram positive rods in V formation or Chinese letters
  11. 20. Genus of the specie that can survive within phagocytes
  1. 1. Usual outcome of infection from L. monocytogenes
  2. 4. Localized skin infection; occupational hazard for those handling meat, poultry, and fish
  3. 6. The only specific procedure for the direct detection of Bacillus spp. in clinical specimens
  4. 8. Specie of Bacillus that can be obtained from exposure to insecticides and pesticides
  5. 10. Selective media for the isolation of B. anthracis from contaminated specimen
  6. 12. Genus of organism capable of producing endospores in the presence of oxygen
  7. 16. Virulence factor of B. anthracis
  8. 17. Treatment of choice for localized and systemic infection from E. rhusiopathiae
  9. 19. Agar that induces capsule formation in B. anthracis