Module 4 Keys

  1. 3. can affect an officer’s performance
  2. 5. Police _________ is The abuse of police authority for personal or organizational gain
  3. 6. facilitate sharing of information between agencies by bringing together federal and local law enforcement to focus on specific threats
  4. 7. Amendment guaranteeing the right to a lawyer
  5. 8. Rule that Holds that evidence illegally seized by the police cannot be used in a trial
  6. 10. The act of taking someone into physical custody by authority o flaw to charge that person with a crime, delinquent act, or status offense
  7. 13. ___________ intelligence is Information compiled, analyzed, and/or disseminated in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor criminal activity
  8. 14. ________abuse cannot be used during interrogation to obtain a confession or elicit information from a suspect
  9. 15. Amendment Guaranteeing the right to a jury trial
  1. 1. __________ force is Using more force than is required in the circumstances
  2. 2. a _________ weapon is A biological agent used to threaten human life
  3. 3. Amendment Guaranteeing The right against arrest without probable cause
  4. 4. Amendment guaranteeing The right against unreasonable searches and seizures
  5. 9. _________ profiling is Any police-initiated action that relies on the race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the behavior of an individual to determine if they are engaged in criminal activity
  6. 11. a natural component of police work
  7. 12. Amendment guaranteeing The right against cruel and unusual punishments