Module 5 Study Guide - no grade earned - use this to study

  1. 2. A prisoner in prison or in jail may have their sentence to incarceration reduced for good behavior.
  2. 4. A detention facility operated by a private corporation under contract with the local or state governmental entity
  3. 5. The assessment by prison officials of an inmate to determine where the inmate should be housed.
  4. 6. The victim of a crime or the family can present to the court at sentencing the affect the crime had on their lives. A rape victim might by in long term counseling or medical care, an assault victim might have medical issues that are chronic, etc. The court can consider the victim impact when pronouncing sentence.
  5. 8. The step in a criminal where the judge imposes a sanction or penalty against a defendant convicted of a criminal offense.
  6. 9. State or federal correctional institutions that house adult offenders convicted of felony level offenses
  7. 11. Repeating criminal behavior
  8. 12. When the court decides that an accused is eligible, the criminal process can be suspended pending the accused entering and completing a treatment program.
  9. 14. The use of GPS, tracking devices and other technology to monitor the movement of the defendant and assure compliance with restrictions in the probation or parole order.
  10. 15. Generally the court can sentence a person to a range of years with the ultimate release decision completed by the parole authority.
  11. 16. An inmate group that poses a continuing threat to the corrections staff often made up of gangs or association among the inmates
  12. 17. Many legislatures have codified punishments that give the judge no discretion in sentencing. If you are found guilty of a particular offense, the statue requires you to be sentenced to a term in prison without the possibility of probation.
  1. 1. The courts rarely intervened in inmate management issues prior to the 1960s
  2. 3. The probation department is charged with investigating the background of defendant. This may include assembling the criminal history, employment history, any support systems like family, church or school. The goal is to prepare a recommendation to the court regarding appropriate sentence.
  3. 7. If a defendant is convicted of multiple offenses, the court can order the sentences in each case to be served at the same time.
  4. 10. Generally, a county or regionally located detention facility designed to hold people awaiting trial, individuals convicted of a misdemeanor, those with an appeal pending or waiting for transport to another facility.
  5. 13. If a defendant is convicted of multiple offenses, the court can order that one sentence be served before the next one begins.