Module 7 vocab words

  1. 6. is the process of selecting parents with desirable traits to breed together in order to produce offspring with more desirable qualities.
  2. 7. Medical biotechnology is a field of study that utilizes living cells and cell remnants to develop products aimed at treating and preventing disease.
  3. 8. Genetic Engineering is a process used to change the genes of a living organism.
  4. 9. People with Type I Diabetes have a mutation in the gene that normally codes for Insulin. Without this functioning gene their blood glucose levels rise to dangerous levels.
  5. 10. Insulin made outside the human body through gene cloning technology. By cloning the human insulin genes and transforming bacterial cells, biotechnologists are able to produce large quantities of human insulin.
  6. 11. Biotechnology can be used to transform bacteria to make human protein. Insulin was the first human protein produced using this method.
  1. 1. Agricultural biotechnology is used to increase crop production, create GMO crops resistant to pests, drought, or weather conditions, produce food with higher proteins or vitamin content, develop and produce plants that contain vaccines or can be used for medical purposes to treat disease.
  2. 2. is the selection of desirable traits in plants and animals.
  3. 3. The process of creating an identical copy of an original adult species.
  4. 4. Gene therapy is the introduction of genes into existing cells to prevent or cure a wide range of diseases.
  5. 5. Personalized medications are based on the genetic makeup of the patient.