Module Vocabulary Dynamic Earth Term Definition

  1. 6. given to a supercontinent that began to break apart approximately 200 million years ago.
  2. 7. trench/a deep, underwater trough created by one plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary.
  3. 9. spreading/the process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge.
  4. 10. molten rock stored below Earth's surface.
  1. 1. ridge/long, narrow mountain range on the ocean floor; formed by magma at divergent plate boundaries.
  2. 2. boundary/the boundary between two plates that move toward each other.
  3. 3. boundary/the boundary between two plates that move away from each other.
  4. 4. drift/ Wegener’s hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a single large landmass that broke apart about 200 million years ago and drifted slowly to their current positions.
  5. 5. tectonics/theory that Earth’s surface is broken into large, rigid pieces that move with respect to each other.
  6. 8. that erupts onto Earth's surface.