Molecular Genetics

  1. 5. gel pattern imprinted on X-ray film by radioactive probes
  2. 7. also known as variable number tandem repeats
  3. 10. long sequences of repetitive, non coding DNA
  4. 11. enzyme that cuts out nucleotides at the end of DNA strand
  5. 12. division of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell
  6. 13. complex of DNA and histone proteins
  7. 14. molecules consist of five carbon sugar with nitrogenous base
  8. 16. regulatory sequences of DNA which a repressor protein binds
  9. 18. elimination of a base pair from DNA sequence
  10. 19. sequence of three bases in DNA
  11. 20. sequence of nucleotides in DNA
  1. 1. glows under UV light
  2. 2. changes in DNA sequence; inherited
  3. 3. any bacteria infecting virus
  4. 4. enzyme that builds RNA primers
  5. 6. non coding region of DNA
  6. 8. transfer of fragment of DNA from one site in the genome to another location
  7. 9. small circular pieces of DNA, exit and enter bacterial cells
  8. 15. vehicles by which DNA may be introduced into host cells
  9. 17. form of RNA that binds with ribosomal proteins to form ribosomes
  10. 18. double stranded polymer