Momma Lou's Greens

  1. 5. fried or boiled with seeds and hair
  2. 6. very white and sharp inside
  3. 8. Popeye
  4. 10. white florets
  5. 14. red and sweet
  6. 16. white collard greens
  7. 18. like a submarine
  8. 20. only shaped like an egg
  9. 22. for the eyes
  10. 24. red round and oval in salads
  11. 25. sometimes hot sometime not
  12. 26. little green cabbage
  1. 1. soul food healthy
  2. 2. green trees
  3. 3. tastes like the name
  4. 4. bopl add a little pork
  5. 6. could be pie grows wild in yard
  6. 7. best drink with bubbles
  7. 9. whole or powdered for blood pressure
  8. 11. sometimes grammar school experiment
  9. 12. you might have to pee
  10. 13. kind of squash
  11. 15. sometimes not good outside.
  12. 17. like a Venus trap
  13. 19. silent killer
  14. 21. different types in salads
  15. 23. try not to cry