  1. 2. A characteristic of money meaning it should be legal tender
  2. 5. A characteristic of money meaning it can be broken down into smaller portions
  3. 9. Allows funds to be transferred electronically
  4. 11. Method of payment prepared by bank that shows who is to be paid on the order
  5. 12. A characteristic of money meaning it is convenient to carry around
  6. 14. A function of money which declares the price
  7. 15. The person on the exchange has to pay a specified amount to a party by a predetermined date
  1. 1. Method of payment that can be used like a cheque
  2. 3. A function where it can be earned and spent at a later date
  3. 4. A characteristic of money meaning it should last a long time
  4. 6. A function of money as it can be stored and saved
  5. 7. An instruction to the bank to pay the amount on the instruction to another party
  6. 8. A credit loan facility offered by the bank which has to be repaid
  7. 10. Any commodity accepted by law in exchange for goods and services
  8. 13. A function of money which facilitates trade