
  1. 3. an overpriced item
  2. 6. an amount of money that is paid at once, not on several occasions
  3. 7. very rich (informal)
  4. 9. in debt
  5. 10. try not to spend much money because of your own financial crisis
  6. 12. having no money (informal)
  7. 13. having very little money (especially for a very short time)
  1. 1. one of a number of payments that are made regularly until smth has been paid for
  2. 2. rich and with a good standard of living
  3. 4. the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, etc.
  4. 5. an amount of money we pay for professional advice or service
  5. 8. money paid as punishment for breaking the law
  6. 11. the one who doesn't like spending money