
  1. 2. (n) a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.
  2. 3. (v) to gather and accumulate; to ask people to give you money for something, for example a charity
  3. 5. (v) obtain in exchange for payment.
  4. 6. (v) give or hand over something in exchange for money.
  5. 8. (v) avoid the need to use up or spend (money, time, or other resources).
  6. 9. (v) obtain (money) in return for labour or services.
  7. 10. (v) acquire or secure as a result of a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavour.
  8. 12. (v) exchange one thing with another.
  1. 1. (n) an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
  2. 3. (adj) low in price.
  3. 4. (v) earn less money than one is spending or has spent.
  4. 5. (v) take and use (something belonging to someone else) with the intention of returning it.
  5. 7. (v) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it will be returned;loan.
  6. 11. (v) give money to pay for goods.