
  1. 2. Buying something by exchanging money for it.
  2. 4. Money set aside for future use.
  3. 6. Activities for enjoyment or amusement.
  4. 8. A plan for managing income and expenses.
  5. 9. Using money to purchase goods or services.
  6. 13. Giving in to a temptation.
  7. 14. Buying goods or services from stores.
  8. 15. Money spent on goods and services.
  9. 16. Arrange in order of importance.
  1. 1. Available to be used as one chooses.
  2. 3. Related to managing money and investments.
  3. 5. Options or choices available as substitutes.
  4. 7. State of being happy, healthy, and financially stable.
  5. 10. A sudden desire to do something without thinking about the consequences.
  6. 11. Essential or needed.
  7. 12. Money earned from work or investments.