
  1. 2. My ............... told me I had to work more hours, I don´t want to but he is the boss.
  2. 5. They offer a high ..................for the animal, they want the dog back.
  3. 7. This ring is very ................It was my grandma´s and it´s made of gold.
  4. 8. The in my country are very expensive.
  5. 10. His very high now that he has been promoted.
  1. 1. I had to ask for a ................. because the TV never worked.
  2. 3. He always wanted to work in ................. now he is in charge of the money of a big company.
  3. 4. I ................ Adam some money,I will pay him next week.
  4. 6. I didn´t get the job because they told me I didn´t have enough ..........................
  5. 9. This car was a ................ I paid a very low price for it.