Money - advanced

  1. 1. adj. when a person has very little disposable income (4,2)
  2. 5. adj. when a peson has a lot of cash (6)
  3. 8. n. the person in the household who brings in the majority of the money (11)
  4. 11. v. to freely spend more than usual (5,3)
  5. 13. v. to retrieve money from your bank or ATM (8)
  6. 14. v. to spend money on useless things (4)
  7. 15. n. a colloquial term for 10€ or other currency (6)
  1. 1. v. dispute or bargain persistently (6)
  2. 2. adj. when a person spends more than what is in their bank account (9)
  3. 3. n. the amount of money that is recieved after somoene passes (11)
  4. 4. v. when the amount of money that is earned equals the amount spent (4,4,4)
  5. 6. n. a loan a person gets to buy a house (8)
  6. 7. n. informal word to explain financial exploitation (1,3,3)
  7. 9. adj. a person who struggles to pay for the basic necessitites (8)
  8. 10. n. a cash fund for small, everyday purchases (5,4)
  9. 12. v. phrasal verb for 'giving a deposit'(3,4)
  10. 14. v. to puchase something in large quantities (4,3)
  11. 15. n. an amount you leave after having had good service (3)