Money and Banking

  1. 5. type of market where prices are moving down
  2. 7. a loan to buy a house
  3. 8. IRAs and 401(k) plans help people save money for what
  4. 11. very risky bonds; you may not get your money back but the interest rate is very high
  5. 12. Type of bond issues by state or local government
  6. 15. paper money
  7. 16. central bank of the United States
  8. 19. total amount borrowed
  9. 20. this type of money has an alternative use as an economic good
  10. 21. acronym for the government agency that insures that you will get your money back if the bank fails
  11. 23. limited supply
  12. 24. a situation where the outcome is not certain
  13. 25. can be divded so that you can always have the right amount to spend
  14. 26. market in which a transaction is made at current prices
  15. 27. easy to transfer
  16. 29. payment made for the use of borrowed money
  17. 30. an agreement to borrow money, pay it back later, and pay interest in the meantime
  1. 1. A bank that can lend money to other banks
  2. 2. a way to take money directly out of your checking account
  3. 3. person who owns a small portion of a corporation
  4. 4. rate of interest paid on a bond
  5. 6. an interest-bearing loan that you make to a bank
  6. 7. a company that sells shares of a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds
  7. 9. another name for stocks
  8. 10. amount borrowed when getting a loan
  9. 12. life of a bond / length of time that money is borrowed
  10. 13. type of stock market where prices are moving up
  11. 14. this type of money only has value because the government says so
  12. 16. an agreement to buy or sell at a specific time in the future at a specific price
  13. 17. a bank account with some restrictions on how to use it; pays higher interest rates
  14. 18. spreading your money over a large variety of investments to reduce your overall risk
  15. 20. a bank account that lets you make purchases in any amount up to the amount you have deposited
  16. 22. nonprofit bank
  17. 28. trade