Money and finances

  1. 4. when you buy something, but decide to pay it little by little, then you pay in...
  2. 7. the number that tells us how much money used in one country can we get for money used in a different country
  3. 9. money you get, but have to repay later
  4. 10. bills for electricity, water, heating
  5. 12. to get money from someone to whom you will pay it back later
  6. 14. money you owe
  7. 17. type of bank account, you use it to get your salary, pay for things etc.
  8. 20. a machine which gives you money from your bank account
  9. 21. the additional money you have to pay when you get a loan
  10. 25. money you receive after tax and health insurance have been paid
  11. 26. money you give to your country
  12. 27. someone who is not generous
  13. 29. everything you have spent in a period of time
  14. 31. the period of time in which you can get a new object or refund if it breaks down
  15. 32. amount of money received during a period of time
  16. 34. to ask for a certain amount of money
  17. 35. give money to someone who will pay it back later
  18. 36. money you have to pay as a punishment
  19. 37. money you have to pay in advance to book something
  20. 38. money you pay for transportation
  1. 1. piece of paper that asks you to pay something
  2. 2. another expression for rich
  3. 3. money you have to pay to attent university
  4. 5. money you receive for the work you do
  5. 6. money you get if something bad happens to you, your car, house, family...
  6. 8. money used in a certain country
  7. 11. type of a loan you get if you promise you will give your house to the bank if you don't repay it
  8. 13. piece of paper that is a proof that you have paid for something
  9. 14. money you give to charity
  10. 15. financial help given to a student
  11. 16. money you receive before tax and health insurance have been paid
  12. 18. additional money you give to a waiter or a taxi driver
  13. 19. to get money from your bank account
  14. 20. money given to kids and teenagers by their parents
  15. 22. higher salary you get
  16. 23. money you haven't spent, but you keep it for later
  17. 24. lower price
  18. 28. things, objects that you buy and sell
  19. 30. to buy
  20. 31. rich, but said more politely
  21. 33. money you get back if you return something you have bought or cancel something you have booked
  22. 39. money you pay for living in somebody's flat or house