Money and payment

  1. 2. It often involves borrowed funds that need to be repaid, usually with interest, over a specified period.
  2. 5. expression of willingness to do something or provide goods, services, or assistance under specific conditions.
  3. 7. generally refers to a goal or objective that someone is striving to achieve.
  4. 8. an extension of a business or organization.
  5. 10. refers to the act of making something smaller, less, or decreasing in size, quantity, or degree.
  6. 13. It represents the overall identity and reputation associated with a particular offering.
  7. 14. is a term commonly used to describe a state of financial insufficiency or having little to no money.
  8. 15. refers to the process of becoming different or the result of such a process.
  9. 16. refers to the rapid release of energy, often resulting in a sudden and forceful expansion.
  10. 18. means to support or encourage the advancement, growth, or popularity of something, such as a product, idea, person, or cause.
  11. 19. is a short and catchy musical composition
  12. 20. f money given back to a customer.
  1. 1. refers to the manner or method used to handle a situation, solve a problem, or achieve a goal.
  2. 3. refers to an agreement between parties where they reach a mutually beneficial deal, often involving the exchange of goods, services, or terms at a favorable or reduced cost.
  3. 4. refers to the distribution or transmission of audio or video content to a wide audience.
  4. 6. is a printed or digital promotional material, usually a small handbill or leaflet, designed to provide information or advertise an event, product, service, or cause.
  5. 9. refers to the act of acquiring goods, services, or assets by paying a specified amount of money or an agreed-upon consideration.
  6. 11. is a written order from an account holder to a bank.
  7. 12. wake up later than planned.
  8. 17. refers to the impact or clash between two or more objects, often resulting in physical contact.