
  1. 2. Give money for the things you buy?
  2. 5. You can keep your money and credit cards there?
  3. 6. Get money for the work you do?
  4. 7. To have a certain price
  5. 10. Do you need any extra ....?
  6. 12. My tastes aren`t very ...?
  7. 14. Do you get enough pocket ...?
  1. 1. Get something when you give money if?
  2. 3. Do you get a monthly ...?
  3. 4. Not spend all the money you have?
  4. 8. How much money do you .... on CDs?
  5. 9. Use too much money to buy things?
  6. 11. Give something to somebody who pays for it?
  7. 13. Do you get ... pocket money?