Money crosswords

  1. 1. "I'd like to ____ some money for a trip next month".
  2. 6. "They have a ________ of 20% for every 2nd thing you buy".
  3. 7. "Excuse me, is this on ____?"
  4. 9. "I ___ you a hundred, and I will give it back tomorrow."
  5. 10. "I want to close my ____ to the bank and stop using the credit card"/
  6. 11. "Hey, we are still under ______, so we have enough money to continue next year!"
  7. 12. "The ATM isn't working, I need to got to the bank to ________ some cash".
  8. 14. "I bought a computer mouse and it broke already. What a _____ of money!"
  9. 15. "How much does a lunch ____ here?"
  10. 17. "The Ukrainian ________ is Hryvna".
  11. 18. "People now buy phones and other small things in several monthly ___________."
  1. 2. "I want to ____ a little more, so I can travel"
  2. 3. "______ in your self! Get dance lessons, go to a gym, get a massage!"
  3. 4. "Oh, no! There's an _________ on my card again".
  4. 5. "I put most of my money into my bank _______".
  5. 8. "Can you ____ me a hundred until tomorrow?"
  6. 11. "I don't want to ______ money, but I need to pay today".
  7. 13. "Usually, the ________ rate in banks is very low".
  8. 16. "How much do you _____ on food?"
  9. 19. "The ticket costs 400! Can you ______ it?"