Money Dvořáček

  1. 1. when you pay in supermarket you get ___ ...
  2. 2. steel money...
  3. 4. plastic money...
  4. 5. in shop you must ____ for the thinks...
  5. 7. when you work you got what ? ...
  6. 8. when you granfather die you ___money ...
  7. 10. I ___ money to my friend because he need it...¨
  8. 11. when you dont pay bach money you ___ money ...
  1. 1. when you havent any money you are what ? ...
  2. 3. when you need money form bank on house...
  3. 4. in the street is machene whitch give you a money ...
  4. 6. in czech is DPH...
  5. 9. paper money...