Money Management

  1. 1. money earned toward a certain account (can be good or bad)
  2. 4. a ___ expense is a cost that changes each month
  3. 6. a method of interest where the interest builds upon itself and is constantly added to the total amount
  4. 8. money that is paid to the government
  5. 10. the type of card where money is loaned to you and paid back at the end of the month
  6. 11. plan to save and spend money each month
  7. 12. 30% of your budget
  8. 13. term used to describe borrowing money
  9. 15. protection that is purchased "just in case"
  10. 16. 60% of your budget
  1. 2. part of your budget to be used for the surprise expenses
  2. 3. the type of card taking money straight from your account
  3. 5. a loan used to purchase a home
  4. 7. a ___ expense is a cost that stays the same each month
  5. 9. the account where most transactions come out of
  6. 12. 10% of your budget
  7. 14. the account where money you want to save is put