Money Management

  1. 4. Movies, dining out, concerts are called _____________
  2. 8. Cablevision, hair dresser, internet costs are called _________
  3. 10. Meat, produce and dairy products
  4. 13. Bus fare, gas, bicycle costs are called _____________
  5. 14. A weekly or monthly gift from parents to pay for things
  1. 1. Planning what to spend and when
  2. 2. Getting a job means you have ____________
  3. 3. The biggest expense you'll ever save for
  4. 5. Interest that accumulates quickly on top of itself is called ___________
  5. 6. A card that you use to pay for something later and charges interest
  6. 7. A shiny commodity
  7. 9. A bank account where you put money for long term goals
  8. 11. Scheme where another tries to take your money
  9. 12. Costs include rent, heat and electricity