Money Management

  1. 2. Loan required when buying a property
  2. 4. A plan for future spending
  3. 5. Buying on the spur of the moment because the item is appealing to you
  4. 9. Any object or material serving as a measure of value
  5. 11. Consists of all income before deduction
  6. 12. Expenses which vary from month to month depending on how much you use
  7. 13. Trading one item for another
  8. 14. Set amount that are usually paid in the same amount each month
  1. 1. Amount left after all deductions like government taxes have been made
  2. 3. One of the functions of money, used as payment for goods
  3. 6. Any means of payment that is form of money that is accepted by law in settlement of a debt
  4. 7. Amount of money that has been spent
  5. 8. Money earned from salary or investment
  6. 10. Bills such as electricity, telephone and water