Money Managing

  1. 2. threshold The minimum amount of income that someone has to earn before they have to pay income tax. The tax threshold varies depending on the country, the tax year, and the tax bracket.
  2. 3. The amount of money that someone is paid per hour or per day for their work.
  3. 7. The original amount of money that is borrowed or lent, before any interest or fees are added or subtracted.
  4. 8. interest The amount of interest that is calculated on both the principal and the accumulated interest of money that is borrowed or lent. The formula for compound interest is A = P * (1 + r)^n where A is the final amount, P is the principal, r is the interest rate per period, and n is the number of periods.
  5. 10. rate The percentage of the principal amount of money that is charged or paid as interest. Interest rates can be fixed or variable, depending on the terms of the loan or deposit.
  6. 11. income The total amount of money that someone earns before any deductions are made, such as taxes, insurance, etc.
  7. 15. The amount of money that is reduced from the original price of something, usually as a way of attracting customers or clearing stock. The formula for discount is D = O - N where D is the discount, O is the original price, and N is the new price.
  8. 17. The amount of money that someone pays or receives for borrowing or lending money. Interest is usually expressed as a percentage of the principal amount.
  1. 1. The amount of money that someone receives for their work or from investments.
  2. 4. The amount of money that someone is paid per month or per year for their work.
  3. 5. The amounts of money that are subtracted from someone's gross income for various reasons, such as taxes, insurance, retirement savings, etc.
  4. 6. The amount of money that someone receives as a percentage of the sales they make or the services they provide. The formula for commission is C = p * r where C is the commission, p is the sales amount or service fee, and r is the commission rate.
  5. 8. price The amount of money that someone pays to buy or produce something.
  6. 9. The amount of money that someone makes when they sell something for more than they paid or spent to buy or produce it. The formula for profit is P = S - C where P is the profit, S is the selling price, and C is the cost price.
  7. 12. price The amount of money that someone charges to sell something.
  8. 13. interest The amount of interest that is calculated only on the principal amount of money that is borrowed or lent. The formula for simple interest is I = P * r * t where I is the interest, P is the principal, r is the interest rate, and t is the time period in years.
  9. 14. The amount of money that someone loses when they sell something for less than they paid or spent to buy or produce it. The formula for loss is L = C - S where L is the loss, C is the cost price, and S is the selling price.
  10. 16. income The amount of money that someone has left after all deductions are made from their gross income. The formula for net income is N = G - D where N is the net income, G is the gross income, and D is the total deductions.